Monday, May 5, 2008

Jason's linking to me - I have got to update this thing!

I know, I know - I've been a terrible blogger - haven't added any new posts in forever (and I can justify such lack of blogging by showing all the direct e-mail communications I've done - but neither of us have time for that).

So now I'm updating because Jason Boyett just posted a link to here -- and the last time I checked, when Jason links to you, things happen.

I promise to get back to regular blogging soon (with some really exciting news and wacky observations).

So, if you're here because of Jason - WELCOME! tkae a look around and ignore the fact that I haven't posted in a while (you can also sign up for updates to the left - once I get back into the swing of things you'll get an occasional e-mail from me (2 a month, tops).


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