Saturday, January 12, 2008

Next time you feel like quitting...

I just finished watching the movie "Dodgeball" -- a fun little comedy romp. The plot involves your basic group of underdog misfits trying to accomplish something big (in this case the national dodgeball championship - hey, it's a goal).

Anyhow, there's an incredible scene where the team leader -- Peter LaFleur played by Vince Vaughn -- decides to quit just before the final game, he doesn't even tell his team-mates, he just sits at the hotel bar.

That's when Lance Armstrong comes up to the bar to order some water, recognizes Peter and tells him he's been watching the Dodgeball games and that he's pulling for Peter's team -- and Peter tells Lance that he's decided to quit, and the following discussion takes place:

Lance Armstrong: Quit? You know, once I was thinking about quitting… when I was diagnosed with brain, lung, and testicular cancer – all at the same

But with the love and support of my friends and family, I got back on the bike and I won the Tour de France five times in a row.

But I’m sure you have a good reason to quit…

So, what are you dying from that’s keeping you from the finals?

Peter LaFleur: Right now, it feels a little bit like… shame.

Lance Armstrong: Well, I guess if a person never quit when the going got tough, they wouldn’t have anything to regret for the rest of their life.

But good luck to you, Peter. I’m sure this decision won’t haunt you forever.

Is that great or what!

So, print out Lance's words and the next time you feel like giving up, well, I'm sure that decision won't haunt you forever.

1 comment:

Denise Saxon said...

A quote I enjoy more from a Vince Vaughn movie is from Clay Pigeons. Vince Vaughn is a serial killer (a funny one though), and he tells Clay, "Some people just need, I mean NEED killin' Clay!!!"